Factory: production of subjectivity
The idea of the course is to study the production of human beings by human beings, which Robert Boyer tells is the most important field of production of contemporary immaterial production. To put it more simply: how do we produce ourselves as human beings? What kind of systems, institutions, mechanisms are needed to make us functioning social animals? What are the needs and institutions of the society - of institutions of power? And what about us - what kind of creative impact do we have in molding our own lives?
We will study a few texts, ideas and concepts - through lectures, reading the texts, and discussing them. But also, by trying to put those ideas into work - give them material form. The final product and outcome of the course will be an installation built by the students in Generaattori: a Factory/ maybe several Factories - up to you!
My idea of the program is more or less like this:
Wed 2.5.
10 - 12: - first I'll introduce the idea of the course, and what is required to pass it.
- then we will discuss what kind of things come to your mind as basic tools or institutions to produce human beings.
- and then I'll walk through Foucault's text on "Subjectivity and Power"
(12)13 - 14 - first assignment of the Factory-making
14 - 16 discussion
I'll give you a text to read for next day, Maurizion Lazzarato's "Immaterial Labor"
Thu 3.5.
10 - 12 - Walk through the "Immaterial Labor" - and what it means for production of human beings.
13 - 14 - second assignment
14 - 16 discussion
Text for next day: bits from Toni Negri's "Il Ritorno" (translated in English)
Fri 4.5.
10 - 12 - Walk through "Il Ritorno" - and what it means for production of human beings.
13 - 14 - third assignment
14 - 16 - discussion
Text for Monday: "Intellectuals and Power", conversation between Foucault and Deleuze.
Mon 7.5.
10 - 12 - we take apart and reassemble "Intellectuals and Power"
13 - 14 - fourth assignment
14 - 16 - discussion
Tue 8.5.
10 - 12 we tell Pia what we have been doing
13 - 16 Pia will give an assignment to help you get along with the construction of your Factory.
Interlude, during which you can concentrate on construction of your Factory/ies.
Tue 15.5.
10 - 12 presenting Factories for public inspection in Generaattori. Discussion.
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